Welcome to Alberta Early Childhood Play Connection Network.
Connecting Through Play!
What Does AECPCN Do?
Our Mission
AECPCN strives to advocate for Play by connecting our community of passionate early childhood educators to understand, experience and embrace Play.
Our Vision
We stress the importance of Play for children and engage in discussions and Play experiences that advocate for Play. To understand Play, we feel it’s important to experience, hands-on, the joy and passion that Play brings us. We provide a variety of Play experiences and resources, such as; webinars, workshops, resources, social events, learning events, community events, Play programs and more.
How Our Story Began
AECPCN was founded in 2023 by Tina Geers. She had a vision of creating a community where early childhood educators can connect through Play and advocate for Play . Tina, an early childhood educator herself for over 18 years, was looking for ways to bring our community together, through a variety of learning and networking opportunities, where ECEs demonstrate and grow their professional skills in Play advocacy. Welcome to AECPCN early childhood educators!
AECPCN Objectives
- To develop, support and offer a connection network focused on Play for early childhood educators in Alberta
- To establish and maintain a library of resources regarding the importance of Play in the early learning years
- To host and support a variety of events and opportunities for networking, skill development and advocacy for Play
AECPCN Structure
AECPCN is a non-profit organization that is governed by a small board of directors. All work is done by volunteers.
AECPCN Contact Info
Contact Tina at info@aecpcn.org for more information.
AECPCN Board of Directors
Tina Geers
Edmonton, AB
Patrick Geers
Edmonton, AB
Play Resources
Looking for some ideas of where to start your journey with Play? Here you go!
Play Book Resources
Here are some of our favourite reads about Play in the early learning years.
Free to Learn:
(Dr. Peter Gray)
Lisa Murphy on Play: The Foundation of Children’s Learning
(Lisa Murphy)
The Original Learning Approach: Weaving Together Playing, Learning, and Teaching in Early Childhood
(Suzanne Axelsson)
Play: How it Shapes the Brain, Opens the Imagination, and Invigorates the Soul
(Stuart Brown)
The Power of Play: Learning What Comes Naturally
(David Elkind, Ph.D.)
From Play to Practice: Connecting Teachers’ Play to Children’s Learning
(by Marcia L. Nell, Walter F. Drew, Deborah E. Bush)
Slow Knowledge and the Unhurried Child: Time for Slow Pedagogies in Early Childhood Education
(Alison Clark)
Loose Parts 4: Inspiring 21st-Century Learning
(Miriam Beloglovsky)