ONLINE WEBINAR ~ Tinkering and Toying with STEM!

Tinkering and Toying with STEM: Engaging Activities to Support Science, Technology, Engineering and Math with Young Children (1.5hrs) Boing! Tink! Rumble! Roll!  These are the sounds of engineers and designers in the making!  But where can we start to promote and support these creative minds?  Through STEM!  Supporting children on their journey of investigation, predicting […]


Wonderful World of STEM! OSC Training!

Online! Alberta, Canada
Virtual Event Virtual Event

Exploration and Discovery Through STEM, STEAM & STREAM STEM - Science, Technology, engineering and Math; STEAM - Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math; STREAM - Science, Technology, Reading, Engineering, Arts and Math. No matter which acronym you use, STEM activities are bound to be a hit with children as they encourage problem solving, exploration, creativity, […]


Wonderful World of STEM

Online! Alberta, Canada

Exploration and Discovery Through STEM, STEAM & STREAM STEM - Science, Technology, engineering and Math; STEAM - Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math; STREAM - Science, Technology, Reading, Engineering, Arts and Math. No matter which acronym you use, STEM activities are bound to be a hit with children as they encourage problem solving, exploration, creativity, discovery, […]


Online Workshop: Wonderful World of STEM

Alberta, Canada

Wonderful World of STEM: Exploration and Discovery through STEM, STEAM & STREAM STEM - Science, Technology, engineering and Math; STEAM - Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math; STREAM - Science, Technology, Reading, Engineering, Arts and Math. No matter which acronym you use, STEM activities are bound to be a hit with children as they encourage problem […]


Wonderful World of STEM: Exploration and Discovery through STEM

Alberta, Canada
Virtual Event Virtual Event

STEM - Science, Technology, engineering and Math; STEAM - Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math; STREAM - Science, Technology, Reading, Engineering, Arts and Math. No matter which acronym you use, STEM activities are bound to be a hit with children as they encourage problem solving, exploration, creativity, discovery, trial and error and collaboration! Children are naturally […]


Tinkering and Toying with STEM: Exploration and Discovery Through STEM, STEAM & STREAM

Online! Alberta, Canada

Tinkering and Toying with STEM: Exploration and Discovery Through STEM, STEAM & STREAM STEM - Science, Technology, engineering and Math; STEAM - Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math; STREAM - Science, Technology, Reading, Engineering, Arts and Math. No matter which acronym you use, STEM activities are bound to be a hit with children as they […]


Tinkering and Toying with STEM: Exploration and Discovery Through STEM, STEAM & STREAM

Tinkering and Toying with STEM: Exploration and Discovery Through STEM, STEAM & STREAM STEM - Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math; STEAM - Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math; STREAM - Science, Technology, Reading, Engineering, Arts, and Math. Regardless of your acronym, STEM activities are bound to be a hit with children as they encourage problem-solving, […]
