IN-PERSON! Caring Connections: Interactions that Matter!

Global Aware Kids Care 109, 1103 95 Street SW, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

IN-PERSON COMMUNITY WORKSHOP  Caring Connections: Interactions that Matter! @Global Aware Kids Care, Edmonton South The comfort of an encouraging smile. The caring reassurance after a fight with a friend. The excitement of co-celebration as they discovery a new skill. How we interact with children has a huge impact on children's growth and development, not only […]


A Place to Play!

Global Aware Kids Care 109, 1103 95 Street SW, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Creating Inspiring Play Spaces for Young Learners Let me play!!! Children need room to run, climb, jump, get messy, read books, paint masterpieces and build worlds of wonder…how can we fit all of it into one place?! This workshop is designed to spur the imagination of how to effectively transform your everyday classroom into a […]


The More We Get Together!

Global Aware Kids Care 109, 1103 95 Street SW, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Inclusive Care for Children with all Abilities Inclusive care isn’t something we add to our classrooms – it IS our classrooms! Every day we ensure that our environments and activities are responsive to the needs, interests and abilities of all the children in our care. But how do we know this?  How can we ensure […]


Know No No’s! (3 hours)

Global Aware Kids Care 109, 1103 95 Street SW, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Supporting Children with Difficult and Challenging Behaviours Using Positive Guidance Strategies (3 hours) Struggling with difficult or challenging behaviours? Exhausted your toolbox of ideas? What are these behaviours trying to tell us? All behaviours are a form of communication. Learn the answers to these questions and more in this fun, interactive and informative workshop about […]
