IN-PERSON! Adventures of Play! Exploring Risky Play

Discovery Land Child Care 2562 Guardian Rd NW, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

IN-PERSON COMMUNITY WORKSHOP Adventures of Play! Exploring Risky Play @Discoveryland Daycare, Edmonton West Taking risk is a necessary part of play. It's part of how children assess what they can do, what challenges them and what to leave until a later date to try. However, many of us face obstacles, barriers and reluctance to accept […]


IN-PERSON! Ooey Gooey Messy Fun! Designing Sensational Sensory Experiences

Discovery Land Child Care 2562 Guardian Rd NW, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

IN-PERSON COMMUNITY WORKSHOP Ooey Gooey Messy Fun! Designing Sensational Sensory Experiences @Discoveryland Daycare, Edmonton West Sensory fun for everyone! Are you ready to explore with all your senses? Are you ready to get hands on and messy with some sensational sensory ideas? That's what we will explore in our workshop all about sensory play. Sensory […]


CANCELLED ~ No Waiting! Get Them Shaking!

Discovery Land Child Care 2562 Guardian Rd NW, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

No Waiting! Get Them Shaking! Learning Effective Transition Strategies Oh, those lovely transition times…where chaos seems to reign, and things get a little crazy!  But this doesn’t have to be the case if we learn how to provide effective transitions! Children are not able to sit and wait…or line up perfectly-every time…so why not make […]
