ChildCare Inspirations

Inspired Minds ECC has it’s own podcast, ChildCare Inspirations! Each month we discuss topics that are important for todays early childhood educator. With reflective episode, special guests, and ‘Voices From the Field,’ these podcast episode are sure to get you thinking about your own teaching practices, how you see yourself, children and play.  Check out all of our episodes here or on your favorite podcast channel!

Join Diane Kashin and I as we discuss the value and meaning of building professional friendships as early childhood educators. I met my bet friend through this amazing profession! Listen in on our stories and Diane’s passion about professional friendships. Let’s connect!

It has been a very difficult couple years for many early childhood educators. We understand the struggle that we are all facing right now in our profession. So, it’s time to inspire and let you know that YOU ARE SEEN! Here to help us spread that inspiration is the wonderful Dr. Jody Carrington! Even other professionals value the work we do! Let’s reconnect and help each other feel seen!

This episode takes a look at how we can create responsive environments in our early learning environments…with some side thoughts and story sharing of course!

As childcare programs, day homes and educators begin to return to in-person team meetings and events, it’s important that we focus on our educators and building strong teams. Karen shares with us her expertise and experience of what we can do to build stronger teams that help staff feel valued and a sense of belonging. Focusing on our team of educators is critical in providing high quality care!

The early childhood field is filled with educators from a variety of educational backgrounds and experiences. What’s more important? Is there more value in education or experience? What can education bring to your professional practices? Do we, as a profession, have a foundation of knowledge to enhance our reflective and professional practices to provide optimal care to the children and families we serve? Join Shirley, Dawn and myself as we discuss our personal journeys as early childhood educators and the impact that our education has had on our professional practices.

We’re back! And we’re kicking of 2023 with a topic that Shirley, Robin and I all love…storytelling! Books, books and more books! Join us as we discuss our favourite early learning books, our favourite strategies to get children engaged and excited about reading and just some plain old fun conversations about early literacy! What’s your favourite children’s book? What secret strategy do you have up your sleeve to share the love of reading with children?

The terms we use to place value and professionalism in the early learning and child care sector are important! From terms like ‘kids vs. children’, or ‘academy/daycare to child care’. Join Robin and I as we chat about how our language use has changed both personally and globally in the early childhood sector, and how it values what we do as early childhood educators!

Literacy isn’t limited to just the early childhood environment. Families have a huge parent in literacy!! Join me and Kim Chung, from Centre for Family Literacy and Elizabeth Robinson, from ABC Life Literacy Canada, as we chat about the importance of early literacy – with families! It takes a community of support to raise children – let’s do this together!

Do you remember the moment you decided “This is the career for me?” The moments that made you tear up in joy from the positive and memorable impact you have on children and their families? We do! Listen in with Shirley, Robin and I, as we share our stories of inspiration and reflect on what being an early childhood educator is all about! Let’s connect, share…cry and laugh…as we share our stories of inspiration!

Time to take out our reflection journals as we discuss the anti-biased approach. Join Shirly, Robin and myself as we share our journeys and practices with you to help inspire you to embrace an inclusive and anti-biased approach in caring for our little ones.

Here are the links we mention in our discussion!

Reflecting on Anti-bias Education in Action: The Early Years: A Film by Debbie LeeKeenan, John Nimmo, Filiz Efe McKinney
NERD_0222 Holidays And Anti-Bias Work: That Early Childhood Nerd

It’s a battle that is still going strong…the struggle between themes and topics of interests. Teacher-led vs. child-led. Join our discussion of our journeys with both and where we find ourselves currently. Shirley, Robin and I chat about our personal experiences with both theme and interest-based, and come up with some great ideas on helping you to make that journey yourself! From themes to emergent….Where do you stand on you learning journey?

Care is Education. Carol inspires us with her perspective and insights about the importance of care in early childhood. Embracing the theory of care and identifying the seven lamps of care into our practices as early childhood educators. Join us for a caring connection with Carol!

Sherry Duncan joins me for a meaningful and rich conversation about how early childhood educators can star their own path to truth and reconciliation through increasing their awareness,  knowledge and practices of the First Nations and Indigenous peoples and cultures. She shares her stories and perspective of different ways to start, and enhance, your journey to learn more about the children and families in our communities.

Using Diane Kashin’s article on “The Broken Circle: Rethinking the Practice of Circles in Early Learning,”  four early childhood educators from Alberta discuss our experience and perspectives of circle time.

Two passionate play advocate talking about their favourite topic…play! Join Sally Haughey and myself as we share our stories, strategies and opinions about play and why we encourage others to advocate for children’s right to play! I have found my kindred spirit with Sally!!

The Alberta Curriculum Framework is a hot topic in Alberta early learning sector right now as more and more educators and programs embrace this approach to children’s play and learning. Coming together to support each other is critical in this journey, so here we are….4 early childhood educators, sharing our stories and journeys of Flight with you! 

Join myself, Danielle, Dallas and Shannon as we share our stories and strategies of how to help children through those big emotions that adults tend to find difficult and challenging. 

Join Veronica Green and I for a great discussion on how loose parts play connects to children’s behaviour and sensory processing. Loose parts are more than just the material itself but a wholistic approach to play! 

Our July session of Voices from the Field started out as a discussion about inclusive care for children…and ended up as inclusive practices discussion about inclusion with our fellow educators and the adults we work with! Join us for this rich conversation about inclusion…in all it’s forms!

Ruth Buffam joins me for this inspiring chat about Positive Discipline and how she finds it helps with understanding and supporting children with challenging behaviours. It’s not about punishments  or what we do to children but about connections, solutions and supportive environments. Join us as we laugh and learn in this episode on behaviours.

Cody and I chat about the importance of professional development and finding your own learning path as early childhood educators. How’s your learning journey going? What are your goals? Why is it important? Let’s chat!

Play during this pandemic has been a struggle for many programs and educators as we try to balance the importance of play with the importance of keeping everyone healthy during these difficult times. Listen in as we chat with three educators from across Alberta on how they have found their balance between cleaning, safety and play in their programs.

Welcome to our very first podcast episode on ‘Voices from the Field’. Each month a group of local (from Alberta, Canada) early childhood educators share their thoughts, perspectives and ideas about a specific topic. Our first ‘Voices from the Field’ episode is all about PLAY!!!

Join me and Miriam Beloglovsky as we chat about Loose Parts Play and the philosophy behind loose parts. Loose parts is not only about the materials but the experiences children have through playing with these materials. It’s a mindset of the educators. This episode will leave you inspired to start your own critical reflection pathway to  truly embracing loose parts play!


Sometimes, we just need a little inspiration when it comes to looking at our play spaces and assessing if it truly does inspire play. Is it cozy? Does it promote a sense of belonging? Is it responsive to the children’s family cultures and interests? Does it soothingly say, “You belong here. Welcome! Play!” Let’s take some time to reflect on what our play spaces are really saying to us and the children that play there.


It’s the most wonderful time of the year!!! Winter is here and it comes with chilly temperatures, beautiful white snow and lots of fun for the kiddos when they get outside and play! Join Dr. Beverlie Dietze and myself as we chat about all the reasons why children need to get outside during the winter season and what the adults can do to get them excited to be outside and stimulate their sense of curiosity and wonder. It’s time to meet the winter fairy and enjoy the magic of this winter wonderland!


If you are in a role where you care for others, there is a very good chance that you may be dealing with compassion fatigue. First of all, what is it? According to the American Institute of Stress, “Compassion fatigue is basically draining of emotional energy for those of us who deal with others pain.” Typically it has a tendency to be progressive and sneak up on people and often times we characterize this as burnout.” Let’s talk about some of the symptoms, what you can do and how to prevent Compassion Fatigue.


Today our guest is Marjorie Cole. We are discussing how important play is, what play looks like and what our role as professionals is in facilitating play.


It’s been a tough year, and many of us are struggling with anxiety. Including the children we work with! Join me and Tania Johnson from the Institute of Child Psychology as we discuss ways to support children during these challenging times who may be experiencing anxiety.


How does reflection enhance your professional practice? What does reflection look like, and where can you begin on your reflective journey?


I brought in the big guns for this one peeps! Join me and occupational therapists, Pauline Fechner and Johanna LeVallee from Flourish Family Centered Occupational Therapy & Co., as we chat about practical strategies to support children with developmental delays in the early childhood setting. Learn how we can be a positive support system in these children’s lives and how we can adapt our environment to meet these wonderful children’s needs! They have some seriously cool ideas!


As we continue the topic of professionalism, Tina and Sharon will talk about how the Early Learning community is seen by the public and how we view ourselves. How we conduct ourselves, present ourselves and see ourselves determines how others see us. What can you do to help others understand the important work we do?


This discussion is all about bringing about professionalism to our field of early childhood education in Alberta! Manna, from AECEA, joins us for this conversation to discuss how AECEA is working with early childhood educators in Alberta and how we can unite our voices to be heard as an important field. We are professionals! NOT babysitters! We discuss questions, that you, our listeners, wanted to ask AECEA. Let’s get the conversation started!


Lisa Murphy joins us for this session to talk about the importance of PLAY in the early childhood environment. What is play? Why is it important? How can we connect though play? How does play help children learn and grow? All of these along with some laughter and practical tips for the early childhood educator, provider and parents!  So let’s play!


Let’s talk risk! Teacher Tom joins us for this discussion all on risky play for young children. Identifying how to ensure safety and risk are part of the learning process when working with young children. Join us as we share stories, strategies and of course….lots of laughter!


Ever wonder why it’s so important to get outside and play? Want to learn more about how we, as early childhood educators and providers, can advocate for children’s need for outdoor play? Need more ideas on what to do outside? Then join Tina Geers, from Inspired Minds ECC, and Christina Pickles, from Get Outside and Play, as they discuss the importance of outdoor play experiences for young children and what to do with outdoor play experiences for young children!